Is The Strangers: Prey At Night a Hidden Treasure or Dumpster Fire?
Blu-ray Distributed By: Universal Studios / June 12, 2018
A family’s road trip takes a dangerous turn when they arrive at a secluded mobile home park to stay with relatives and find it mysteriously deserted. Under the cover of darkness, three masked psychopaths pay them a visit to test the family’s every limit as they struggle to survive. Johannes Roberts (whose shark diving thriller 47 Meters Down was a smash hit) directs this horror film featuring Christina Hendricks, Bailee Madison, Martin Henderson and Lewis Pullman, inspired by the 2008 classic The Strangers.
Jimbo’s Take
(2 / 5)
I’m gonna keep this brief. My expectations were low for this one. Very low. And I still hated it.
I streamed this one on Amazon and I’m ranking it a 2 out of 5 simply because I believe there is an audience for this movie. And you know who you are. However, I would not casually recommend it to anyone. Nor would I want to waste my time with this ever again.
It’s not suspenseful or scary, and it takes the concept of horror movie characters doing stupid things to whole new levels. When the family kids find a couple of dead bodies what do the parents do? They get in the family van and get the fuck out of dodge, right? Wrong! The family splits up. Dad takes Junior to go look at the dead people (again) while Mom and Sis head back to the trailer that they left UNLOCKED AND COMPLETELY UNGUARDED!!!
The Strangers (2008) worked somewhat because the filmmakers kept the action contained to a tightly controlled space, trapping the terrorized victims in their own house. In the sequel, the filmmakers set the action in a wide open area that takes the form of a deserted trailer park. Psychologically this broadens the map and you’ll probably ask yourself on many occasions why the characters don’t just run for it. Or in the case described above, DRIVE the fuck AWAY! The film is full of this frustratingly zero logic.
Those of you that love The Strangers will find some return on this investment. I’ve never been a big fan of The Strangers, instead preferring the 2006 French invasion horror film Them (aka Ils). Skip this. Watch Them instead.
Hidden Treasure/Dumpster Fire?
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