June 11, 2024


We watch the stuff you should (but probably won’t)

trash film: refers to second-run, low-budget films that are deliberately over-the-top, infantile, amateurish, sometimes excessively gory or raunchy which are intended to shock, disgust, and repel mainstream audiences, and appeal to non-traditional audiences. Sometimes described as a sub-category of horrorexploitation and cult films, or called a ‘turkey’ film. Compare with sexploitation, B-films, and Z-films.

We watch really good movies. The problem is, most people probably think the movies we watch are not good movies.

The Trashmen watch virtually anything and, like you, have strong opinions about our entertainment. You don’t have to agree with us. In fact, it’s more fun if you don’t.

Our goal is simple. Watch as many movies as we can. Talk about all of them. We want you to be part of our network, conversation, and community. So please join us as we discover, discuss, and debate the Hidden Treasures from the Dumpster Fires.

The Team:

James “Jimbo” Dubs serves as Site Administrator, Editor, and Writer for Trashmen Media. He’s a regular guy, works for a living to support his family, and REALLY LOVES movies. His favorite all-time film is The Exorcist, but also finds Exorcist II and Highlander II: The Quickening to be underappreciated masterpieces of “Hollywood Trash”. He is also our Terrible Father whom, from time to time, let’s his boys consume kid-appropriate trash (Well, mostly kid-appropriate. We did say he was “terrible”.). You can also find Jimbo’s film analysis on UnRatedfilm.com where he promises to “watch anything”. But, most importantly, Jimbo is not alone in his endeavors to dig up great cinema trash. He is accompanied by his best friends and fellow film school failures…

James “Jamie” Klein’s screw-ball wit provides a fresh and funny perspective to his reviews few others can top. His wit is equally matched by his encyclopedic knowledge of films (especially horror) which will guaranteed to give any serious film aficionado heavy competition at the local pub’s movie trivia night. But trivia moderators beware. Should you provide an incorrect answer to a question, Jamie will stop at nothing to correct you. When Jamie’s not contributing to Trashmen Media, you may find him hosting an outdoor movie marathon in his backyard, spending time with his beautiful wife, or traveling to any local brewery to get a drink or three. Jamie is also editor for movie review site UnRatedfilm.com.

Craig “The Hammer Valentine” Sorensen is a bonafide expert and genius in all thing trash cinema. His most critical role is serving as our “film miner” unearthing most of the rarely seen gems that we discover to love and hate on Trashmen Media. Craig likes movies. We don’t think he likes anything else. It’s possible he doesn’t like any of us, but we don’t care because Craig is awesome.

Travis North lives in a secret and secluded area. No one knows what he looks like because he will shoot-to-kill anyone who steps on his lawn. However, he will make his voice heard from time to time as one of the Trashmen Media contributors. You may also find his opinions and reviews on UnRatedFilm.com.

Bruce & Beau Dubs are the evil spawn of Jimbo and serve as guest contributors for Trashmen Media, specifically in the Terrible Father category.